Outer Banks Cycle Race 2018
Like to cycle? Come out and compete or ride for recreation on the beautiful Outer Banks on Spetember 29. https://www.obxtriathlon.com/outer-banks-cycle-race-event-inform

Outer Banks Marathon Weekend 2018

OBRF’s Couture by the Shore Event Raises $93,000 to Help Others
Outer Banks, NC – On a beautiful Saturday afternoon in May, a community of generous and caring people came together to help others. The 9th Annual COUTURE BY THE SHORE raised over $93,000 in net proceeds that will financially assist…

Sandbar 5K cancelled in 2018
The Sandbar 5K will not be held in 2018. We apologize to longtime runners and fans of the event. Look for a redesigned event in 2019.

2018 Running of the Leprechauns
Come join Outer Banks Sporting Events for the Running of the Leprechauns on Saturday, March 17th 2018.
OBSE is excited to add this 5K & 10K race to their line-up of amazing race events.
Enjoy an Irish-themed after party and the "Get Lucky"…

OUTER BANKS RELIEF FOUNDATION Announces a New Executive Director
Nags Head, NC –The Outer Banks Relief Foundation, a charitable organization financially assisting people in need due to a debilitating medical condition who live and work on the Outer Banks, has announced the selection of Patty McKenna as…

New foundation endowment honors the late Warren Judge
Article submitted by the Outer Banks Community Foundation to Outer Banks Voice
The Outer Banks Relief Foundation has created a new endowment fund in memory of Warren Judge to help
citizens in our community who face debilitating…