James and Sallyann's dog, Dakota

OBRF Part-Time Job Opportunity

PUBLIC RELATIONS ASSISTANT TASKS Assist in planning and execution of 3 public events per year Donor database data entry Donor communications (letters, emails, phone calls) Sponsor invoicing and pledge reminder invoicing Production…
Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency

OBRF Earns 2021 Platinum Seal of Transparency

Our organization earned a 2021 Platinum Seal of Transparency! Now, everyone can see our strategy, metrics, and achievements. Check out our updated #NonprofitProfile on Candid: https://www.guidestar.org/profile/56-2526271
OBX Chevrolet Buick Donation to Outer Banks Relief Foundation

Local Relief Gets a Boost

Nags Head, NC - The Outer Banks Relief Foundation kicked off its annual year-end fundraising by accepting a $25,000 donation from OBX Chevrolet Buick in Kitty Hawk to support aid for local families facing unexpected, life-altering crises like…
Butch’s Night Out

Something New For Those in Need – Butch’s Night Out

Announcing something different for those in need on the OBX: “Butch’s Night Out” is a program that will provide funding and opportunity for families to enjoy dinner or fun experiences together as they face personal crises such as terminal illness